Cemetery Department

The City of Kosciusko currently has two city owned and operated cemeteries. They are the City Cemetery located on South Huntington Street and Parkway Cemetery also located on South Huntington Street. Parkway is also visible from Veterans Memorial Drive. The City of Kosciusko also sells grave spaces in Parkway Cemetery.  Please contact the Cemetery office at 662-289-2815 or City Hall at 662-289-1226 for prices on grave spaces at Parkway Cemetery.

Both of these cemeteries are cared for by a staff of five employees that maintain all the grounds and is also responsible for the opening and closing of grave spaces.  If you have any questions please call City Hall and speak with Brandi Burdine and she will be glad to help you with any issue concerning either of these two cemeteries.  Parkway Cemetery also has an online search feature at Parkway Burial Search.


Parkway Cemetery is also host to two annual events held on Memorial Day and Veterans Day each year at 11:00 am. The “Aisle of Honor” that is held on these two special days is done totally by volunteers that display American Flags of Veterans of Attala County.  If you would like more information on the Aisle of Honor you can call the Veterans Service Office at 662-289-6045.